Cardiovascular Disease: Valvular Heart Disease

Mitral Valve Prolapse
LEOs undergoing initial evaluation for mitral valve prolapse can be cleared for full duty if they meet all of the following criteria:
- Asymptomatic (e.g., no symptoms of reduced cardiac output, no signs of arterial emboli, etc.)
- No history of syncope of arrhythmogenic origin
- Recent (within past 12 months) ECG with normal sinus rhythm, no arrhythmias, no T wave inversion, and no QT prolongation7
- Recent (within the past 12 months) EST to at least 12 METS showing normal findings
- Recent (within the past 12 months) ambulatory Holter monitor (at least 24-hours) showing no arrhythmias
- Recent (within the past 12 months) echocardiogram showing:
Follow-up Evaluation for Mitral Valve Prolapse: LEOs with mitral valve prolapse should have an annual evaluation by a cardiologist or other physician knowledgeable in the treatment of cardiac valvular disease. Serial echocardiograms are indicated with clinical evidence of severe or worsening mitral regurgitation,10 or every 3-5 years.11 Results of both the baseline evaluations and the echocardiograms should be shared with the agency’s medical provider.
Mitral Valve Repair or Replacement Surgery: See the last section of this chapter.