Shoulder Disorders

Proximal Humeral Fracture
LEOs with a history of uncomplicated proximal humeral fractures, without an associated neurovascular injury that does not require reduction and percutaneous pinning, can be treated non-operatively. Those who demonstrate a successful return to full-training activities should be able to return to unrestricted duty in 4-6 months. A proximal humeral fracture that requires closed reduction and percutaneous pinning may require up to 9 months before return to full duty. If open reduction and internal fixation is required, recovery time may take longer before returning to full duty.16,17,18
Scapular Fracture
Scapular fractures are frequently associated with high-speed blunt force trauma. A complete review of injury history is required to evaluate for other injuries when determining treatment and return to duty for this condition.
LEOs with a history of an uncomplicated non-displaced scapular fracture without an associated injury, who have demonstrated a successful return to full-training activities, should be able to return to unrestricted duty 8-12 weeks following the fracture.2,19
LEOs with displaced scapular fractures treated non-operatively, who have demonstrated a successful return to full-training activities, should be able to return to unrestricted duty within 6 months post-fracture. LEOs with a dis-placed scapular fracture, especially involving the glenoid fossa or ipsilateral clavicle or with displacement, usually require surgery.20,21 A fracture that requires surgery generally requires 6 months after surgery before returning to full physical activities. More extensive fractures, especially those that involve injuries to additional body systems generally require additional time.
Clavicle Fracture
LEOs with a clavicular fracture not requiring surgery, who have demonstrated successful return to full-training activities, should be able to return to unrestricted duty 8-12 weeks following the fracture.22
LEOs with a fracture that requires surgery, who have demonstrated a successful return to full-training activities, should be able to return to unrestricted duty 8-12 weeks following the fracture.