Renal Disease: Chronic Kidney Disease

sec_arr Medical Evaluation

Medical Evaluation

Specific physiological criteria should be utilized in ascertaining if an individual can perform safely and effectively as an LEO. Medical evaluation of LEOs with CKD should encompass:

  • Knowledge of the physiological demands of the essential job functions.
  • Knowledge of CKD and its stages.
  • Current clinical status of the LEO, including other primary diseases (see Appendix B).
  • Risk for gradual decline of physiological function as well as risk of sudden incapacitation for stages of CKD.

LEOs with CKD are staged according to both glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and degree of albuminuria. Both GFR and albuminuria have prognostic and functional significance. LEOs with CKD must also be evaluated according to any other existing primary diseases (see History in Appendix B).