
sec_arr Psychiatry


The effect of psychoactive medications should be evaluated in the same manner as any other medication. LEOs should not be restricted simply because they are being treated with psychoactive medication(s). They need appropriate evaluation regarding the effect of these medications, as well as the underlying condition(s). Many LEOs may work without restrictions when taking psychoactive medications with ongoing monitoring.


Antidepressants – Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

Isocarboxazid MARPLAN
Phenelzine NARDIL
Selegiline EMSAM
Tranylcypromine PARNATE

D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antidepressants – Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

Citalopram CELEXA
Escitalopram LEXAPRO
Fluoxetine PROZAC
Fluvoxamine LUVOX
Paroxetine PAXIL
Sertraline ZOLOFT

A – approved while on duty
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antidepressants – Trycyclic Agents

Amitriptyline ELAVIL
Clomipramine ANAFRANIL
Desipramine NORPRAMIN
Imipramine TOFRANIL
Nortriptyline PAMELOR
Protroptyline VIVACTIL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antidepressants – Other Agents


T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, dizziness, tremor, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Duloxetine CYMBALTA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, dizziness, drowsiness
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Mirtazapine REMERON

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Nefazodone SERZONE
Trazodone DESYREL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, sedation, hypotension, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Venlafaxine EFFEXOR

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, dizziness, drowsiness, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction


Aripiprazole ABILIFY
Clozapine CLOZARIL
Chlorpromazine THORAZINE
Fluphenazine PROLIXIN
Haloperidol HALDOL
Olanzapine ZYPREXA
Perphenazine TRILAFON
Pimozide ORAP
Quetiapine SEROQUEL
Risperidone RISPERDAL
Thioridazine MELLARIL
Thiothixene NAVANE
Ziprasidone GEODON

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, sedation, hyperglycemia, visual disturbances, extrapyramidal symptoms, orthostatic hypotension
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Anxiolytics – Hypnotics

Anxiolytics – Hypnotics – Benzodiazepines

Alprazolam XANAX
Chlordiazepoxide LIBRIUM
Clorazepate TRANXENE
Diazepam VALIUM
Estazolam PROSOM
Flurazepam DALMANE
Lorazepam ATIVAN
Midazolam VERSED

S – short-term use approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); psychiatric evaluation recommended for long-term use (more than a few days); risk of sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Temazepam RESTORIL

S – short-term use approved if taken off duty/12 hours (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); psychiatric evaluation recommended for long-term use (more than a few days); risk of sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Triazolam HALCION

R – approved only if assigned to restricted duty; safer alternatives should be used given the potential for hallucinations

Oxazepam SERAX

S – short-term use approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); psychiatric evaluation recommended for long-term use (more than a few days); risk of sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Anxiolytics – Hypnotics – Other

Buspirone BUSPAR

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); psychiatric evaluation recommended for long-term use (more than a few days); risk of sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Chloral Hydrate NOCTEC

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); psychiatric evaluation recommended for long-term use (more than a few days); risk of sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Mood Regulators

Carbamazepine TEGRETOL
Lamotrigine LAMICTAL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, ataxia, visual disturbances, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction


T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, ataxia, sedation, lithium toxicity
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Topiramate TOPAMAX

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, visual disturbances, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Valproic acid DEPAKOTE

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction


Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine ADDERALL
Dextroamphetamine DEXEDRINE
Methylphenidate RITALIN, CONCERTA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, visual disturbance, hypertension
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Other Psychiatric Medications

Acamprosate CAMPRAL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, dizziness
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Atomoxetine STRATTERA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, hypertension
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Disulfiram ANTABUSE

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, cardiovascular side effects
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Modafinil PROVIGIL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Naltrexone REVIA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, dizziness, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Nicotine and oral and nasal and transdermal forms

A – approved while on duty

Sibutramine MERIDIA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, hypertension

Varenicline CHANTIX

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, hypertension, visual disturbances