
sec_arr Ophthalmology


Anti-Allergy Topical Ophthalmic Agents

Azelastine OPTIVAR
Cromolyn CROLOM
Epinastine ELESTAT
Emedastine EMADINE
Ketotifen ZADITOR
Levocabastine LIVOSTIN
Lodoxamide ALOMIDE
Naphazoline and antazoline VASOCON-A
Naphazoline and pheniramine NAPHCON-A
Nedrocromil ALOCRIL
Olopatadine PATANOL
Pemirolast ALAMAST

A – approved while on duty; monitor for visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antibacterial Topical Ophthalmic Agents

Azithromycin AZASITE
Bacitracin and polymyxin POLYSPORIN
Bacitracin and neomycin and polymyxin NEOSPORIN OINTMENT
Ciprofloxacin CILOXAN
Erythromycin ILOTYCIN
Gatifloxacin ZYMAR
Gentamicin GENOPTIC
Gramicidin and neomycin and polymyxin NEOSPORIN SOLUTION
Lexofloxacin IQUIX
Moxifloxacin VIGAMOX
Polymyxin and trimethoprim POLYTRIM
Ofloxacin OCUFLOX
Tobramycin TOBREX

A – approved while on duty
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antibacterial Topical Ophthalmic Agents Combined with Steroids

Dexamethasone and neomycin and polymyxin MAXITROL
Dexamethasone and tobramycin TOBRADEX
Gentamicin and prednisolone PRED G
Hydrocortisone and neomycin and polymyxin CORTISPORIN, CORTICOSPORIN
Loteprednol and tobramycin ZYLET
Prednisolone and sulfacetamide BLEPHAMIDE

A – approved while on duty; monitor for visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antiviral Topical Ophthalmic Agents

Trifluridine VIROPTIC
Vidarabine VIRA-A

A – approved while on duty
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antiglaucoma Agents

Antiglaucoma Agents – Beta Adrenergic Blocking Agents

Betaxolol BETOPTIC
Carteolol OCUPRESS
Levobunolol BETAGAN

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for visual disturbances, dizziness, sedation, hypotension
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antiglaucoma Agents – Prostaglandins

Bimatoprost LUMIGAN
Latanoprost XALATAN
Travaprost TRAVATAN

A – approved while on duty; monitor for visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antiglaucoma Agents – Other Agents

Brimonidine ALPHAGAN
Brinzolamide AZOPT
Dorzolamide TRUSOPT
Dorzolamide and timolol COSOPT
Methazolamide NEPTAZANE
Pilocarpine PILOCAR

A – approved while on duty; monitor for visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction


Cyclopentolate CYCLOGYL
Phenylephrine NEO-SYNEPHRINE
Tropicamide MYDRIACYL

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); maintain restricted duty status as long as eye is dilated
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Topical Ophthalmic Agents

Bromfenac XIBROM
Diclofenac VOLTAREN
Ketorolac ACULAR
Nepafenac NEVANAC

A – approved while on duty
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Steroid Topical Ophthalmic Agents

Dexamethasone MAXIDEX
Fluorometholone FML
Loteprednol ALREX
Prednilosone AK-PRED
Rimexolone VEXOL

A – approved while on duty; monitor for visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Other Topical Ophthalmic Agents

Artificial tears

A – approved while on duty
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Cyclosporine RESTASIS
Dapiprazole REV-EYES

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Hydroxypropyl cellulose

A – approved while on duty
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction


S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects)