
sec_arr Genitourinary


Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medications

Doxazosin CARDURA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for orthostatic hypotension, somnolence, visual disturbances

Dutasteride AVODART

A – approved while on duty

Finasteride PROSCAR

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for orthostatic hypotension

Tamsulosin FLOMAX
Terazosin HYTRIN

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for orthostatic hypotension, somnolence, visual disturbances

Bladder Agents

Bethanechol URECHOLINE

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for hypotension

Darifenacin ENABLEX

A – approved while on duty

Flavoxate URISPAS

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Hyoscyamine LEVSIN

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Oxybutynin DITROPAN

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, visual disturbances, arrhythmias, behavior changes

Pentosan ELMIRON
Phenazopyridine PYRIDIUM

A – approved while on duty

Solifenacin VESICARE

A – approved while on duty, monitor for visual disturbances

Tolterodine DETROL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, visual disturbances, behavior changes


A – approved while on duty

Erectile Dysfunction Medications


S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects)

Sildenafil VIAGRA
Tadalafil CIALIS
Vardenafil LEVITRA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for visual disturbances, hypotension, dizziness

Yohimbine YOCON

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for dizziness, behavior changes

Obstetrical Agents

Carboprost HEMABATE

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects)

Clomiphene CLOMID

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for visual disturbances

Dinoprostone CERVIDIL

D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Methylergonovine METHERGINE

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for hypotension
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Oxytocin PITOCIN

D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Vaginal Agents

Boric acid
Butoconazole GYNAZOLE
Clindamycin CLEOCIN
Clotrimazole GYNE-LOTRIMIN
Metronidazole FLAGYL
Miconazole MONISTAT
Terconazole TERAZOL
Tioconazole VAGISTAT-1

A – approved while on duty

Other Urologic Agents

Acetohydroxamic acid LITHOSTAT

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes

Citrate UROCIT-K

A – approved while on duty