
sec_arr Gastrointestinal



Witch hazel TUCKS

A – approved while on duty

Antidiarrheal Agents

Atropine and difenoxin MOTOFEN

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Atropine and diphenoxylate LOMOTIL

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Bismuth subsalicylate KAOPECTATE, PEPTO-BISMOL

A – approved while on duty

Loperamide IMODIUM

A – approved while on duty


S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Antiemetic Agents

Aprepitant EMEND

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of dizziness

Dextrose and fructose and phosphoric acid EMETROL

A – approved while on duty

Dimenhydrinate DRAMAMINE

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Dolasteron ANZEMET

A – approved while on duty


S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Dronabinol MARINOL

R – approved only if assigned to restricted duty; risk of sedation, behavior changes

Droperidol INAPSINE

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Granisetron KYTRIL

A – approved while on duty

Meclizine ANTIVERT

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Metoclopramide REGLAN

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Nabilone CESAMET

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Ondansetron ZOFRAN

A – approved while on duty

Palonosetron ALOXI

A – approved while on duty

Prochlorperazine COMPAZINE

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Promethazine PHENERGAN

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation


R – approved only if assigned to restricted duty; risk of sedation, dizziness, visual disturbances

Thiethylperazine TORECAN

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation, visual disturbances

Trimethobenzamide TIGAN

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Antispasmodic Agents

Atropine hyoscyamine phenobarbital and scopolamine DONNATAL
Chlordiazepoxide and clinidium LIBRAX
Dicyclomine BENTYL
Hyoscyamine LEVSIN
Scopolamine SCOPACE

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedationD – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antiulcer Agents

Aluminium hydroxide ALTERNAGEL
Bicarbonate and citrate CITROCARBONATE
Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium carbonate GAVISCON
Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide MAALOX
Aluminium hydroxide magnesium hydroxide and simethicone MYLANTA
Calcium carbonate TUMS
Calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide ROLAIDS
Cimetidine TAGAMET
Esomeprazole NEXIUM
Famotidine PEPCID
Lansoprazole PREVACID
Misoprostol CYTOTEC
Nizatidine AXID
Omeprazole PRILOSEC
Pantoprazole PROTONIX
Rabeprazole ACIPHEX
Ranitidine ZANTAC
Sucralfate CARAFATE

A – approved while on duty


Bisacodyl DULCOLAX
Castor oil
Docusate COLACE
Lactulose CEPHULAC
Magnesium hydroxide MILK OF MAGNESIA
Methylccellulose CITRUCEL
Mineral oil
Polycarbophil FIBERCON
Polyethylene glycol MIRALAX
Sodium phosphate (oral forms)
Sorbitol (oral forms)

A – approved while on duty

Glycerin suppository
Sodium phosphate enema
Sorbitol enema

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects)

Other GI Medications

Alosetron LOTRONEX
Alpha-galactosidase BEANO
Balsalazide COLAZAL

A – approved while on duty

Glycopyrrolate ROBINUL

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation, visual disturbances

Infliximab REMICADE

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of infusion reactionsD – diagnosis may dictate restriction


A – approved while on duty

Mepenzolate CANTIL

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation, visual disturbances


A – approved while on duty


T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for arrhythmia

Olsalazine DIPENTUM
Orlistat XENICAL
Pancreatin CREON
Pancrelipase PANCREASE
Simethicone MYLICON
Sulfasalazine AZULFIDINE

A – approved while on duty