Diabetes Mellitus

Author: Richard Miller, MD
Publication year: 2017

The educated and motivated law enforcement officer (LEO) with well-managed diabetes mellitus can be capable of safe and effective job performance.1(p s81) However, diabetes mellitus may place LEOs at risk for sudden incapacitation, thus jeopardizing their ability to perform critical job functions. (These job functions include those listed in Essential Job Tasks and Appendix A.)
Therefore, an individualized assessment of the LEO’s diabetes should be performed using the following evaluative criteria to determine whether the individual’s condition permits safe and effective job performance. Such evaluation must include the following key elements, which are discussed in detail below:
- history of diabetes and its treatment;
- risk for impairing events (symptomatic and severe hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia unawareness, symptomatic hyper glycemia, and diabetic ketoacidosis); and
- presence of diabetic complications.