Bomb Technicians

sec_arr Timing and Content of the Medical Evaluation

Timing and Content of the Medical Evaluation

Periodic Medical Evaluation

Following the initial medical evaluation, bomb technicians should be evaluated every 1 to 2 years, consistent with 29 CFR 1910.120. Since all bomb technicians are using respirators, the medical evaluation should be compliant with 29 CFR 1910.134.


  • Visual acuity: evaluate near, intermediate and distant visual acuity on an annual basis.
  • Color vision: evaluate color vision with Farnsworth D-15 or Hardy-Rand-Rittler, 4th edition, testing on an annual basis.
  • Depth perception: evaluate on an annual basis.
  • Medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, glaucoma, hypertension) and medications that affect vision may require more frequent and/or more comprehensive evaluations.


Annual audiograms may be performed as part of a surveillance program.


  • LEOs with no respiratory symptoms or no known lung disease: Baseline spirometry should be performed to establish a pre-exposure baseline, but is not needed to decide fitness for duty as a bomb technician. Ongoing spirometry may be performed depending on specific exposures and/or as part of a surveillance program.
  • LEOs with respiratory symptoms or known lung disease: Spirometry should be performed prior to joining the bomb squad (if not done within the past year). The spirometry should be repeated with any change in the underlying medical condition, change in job performance or at the discretion of the police physician.

If the spirometry is abnormal, bomb technicians should either undergo evaluation through observing training activities that incorporate expected levels of work or undergo laboratory-based testing for tolerance to expected work levels while wearing the issued respirator and personal protective equipment.

Respirator Fit Testing
Bomb technicians should be fit tested with issued respirators on an annual basis as required by 29 CFR 1910.134.